Friday, March 25, 2011

Dr. Mom

Mother of six. Cosmetology degree. And seemed to have been shy of a MD because she always seemed to know how to diagnose and cure our every ache and ailment.

I have been sitting in this recliner for almost a week. For the first time in my life I have Pneumonia. I wonder what little home remedies she would know about this one.  Before I went to the doctor this week I could hear Mom's voice telling me to gargle and rub myself down with "Thieves." (Which was her cure for everything!)  So I did. I even drank an 8 oz. glass of water with about 7 drops of tongue burning Thieves. Did it work? No. Did it bring back memories? Yes.

Whether it was holding my head on the sofa with a fever, cleaning up the bathroom from my terrible aim in vomiting, or making me some hot tea and heating pad for my monthly visit from Mother Nature. She was good. She was one of a kind!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Through thick and thin...

I have always struggled to find my place in my very large family.  This is no surprise to anyone. I seem to be the most sensitive out of all of the kids.  I have always been told to, "Suck it up," or "You really need to have thicker skin..."

I missed Mom a lot this weekend as I navigated, once again, a family argument.  She always had a way of reassuring me that I need to believe in my family even when it hurts. That, "I need to remember that family is always there, whether we like it or not!"

Sometimes I just miss her comfort.  She always said that I was the most like her with my sensitive heart.  I often feel like my family thinks it is a bad thing, but Mom always made me feel like it was a positive trait.

 I miss you, Mom. I miss your guidance, your support, and your unconditional love.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The photo

Tonight I uploaded the photo, from the banner of this page, to be printed on canvas for my bedroom. I was staring at the photo remembering that beautiful summer day.  Our hearts were already heavy. We all hoped we would be wrong, but deep down, I think we all knew what the outcome would be.  As I stared at the photo our faces fan across the screen with mom in focus and April becoming blurry. I can't really say why I love this photo so much, other than SHE was the reason for us. She is what makes us who we are. She was the most important thing to all of us.

A note to my mom:
Mom, I have been missing you so much this week. So much has happened in the past few weeks and I wish you were here to share it with me. I wish I could call you as ideas come to me, like I always used to.  I miss hearing your voice. I miss your perfume. I miss your hands. (I think that is another reason I love that photo so much, your hands.)  It's so hard to believe you have been gone so long.  You seem so close to me in my heart. I love you so much and I wish you were here to share this special time with me. Please know that I still try to hear your voice and the advice you would most likely give to me.

Your loving daughter.